“Look—up in the air! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…bicycle?”
Bicycles in the air? This can only mean one thing—you’re at Fish Creek Winterfest!
That’s right, Winterfest is no ordinary festival. Boasting such games as the infamous bicycle toss, toilet seat toss, and even a stumpf-fiddle contest (which you can sign up for here), Winterfest is a can’t-miss event for the entire family.
Click here to watch our wacky waitress Susan (above) practice for the bicycle toss!
We LOVE Winterfest here at Julie’s because we LOVE everything Fish Creek! This uniquely-Fish Creek event begins Friday January 31st with a Cosmic Glow Shoot at Peninsula gun club at 6pm, and ends with the Fruit Loop Run (which you can sign up for here), complete with post-run Bloody Mary’s at Bayside Tavern.
Too crowded at Bayside? Or looking for something more family-friendly? Julie’s is right up the road! Our Bloody Mary’s will satisfy your craving and our kid-friendly food, drinks AND treasure chest are always a treat for young adventurers.
Speaking of adventure, as you know, we also LOVE adventuring in Peninsula State Park. That’s why we can’t wait for Saturday, 5pm-8pm for the Peninsula State Park Candlelight Ski-Hike, which is a magical experience for both young & old.
And what festival would be complete without food, drinks & live music? Winterfest of course has all three elements in addition to their non-traditional elements.
Of course, we LOVE food, and some of our food will actually be available at the All Things Chocolate exhibit at Old Town Hall, Saturday at 10am! An “interactive” exhibit (you get to eat your way through it) dedicated to CHOCOLATE? Of Course we’re in!
Foodies will also love Winterfest’s Snowflake Cake Bake (which you can sign up for here) where participants can use their creative skills and spectators can vote for who wins!
Sounds like there’s a lot to do, huh? Well believe it or not that’s just the tip of the iceberg! (Haha—ice.) You’ll just have to experience it for yourself, but make sure to fit us somewhere in your busy schedule! We would love nothing more than to be part of your Fish Creek Winterfest weekend.
See you this weekend!